

全册精讲+→ 班班通教学系统 2021-12-24



___ h i       s ___ u     J K___      ___ X Y    N ___ P 


bear  book  face yellow bread  seven  blue cake  duck  eraser  mouth  two  ruler   tiger  five    white  milk   hand

文具:______   ______  _______        动物:______   ______   _______  

颜色:______   _______ _______        数字:______   _______  _______

食品:______   _______ _______        身体部位:______   _______  _______三、根据中文提示,选择正确的字母或字母组合补全单词。(5分)
   b___ ___k        A. uu        B. oo      

2.身体  b___ dy         A. o         B.a
面包  br___ ___ d      A. ae         B. ea       

4.红色  r___ d           A. i          B. e
   ___ne             A. o         B. a


   1Acar        Bjuice        Cwater

 (    ) 2Apanda      Bred         Celephant

 (    ) 3Aseven       Bmilk        Ceight

 (    ) 4Arice         Bfish        Ccolour

 (    ) 5Aschool      Bbag         Cbook

 (    ) 6Aeye         Bface        Cpig

 (    ) 7Ahand        Bfoot        Corange

 (    ) 8Adog         Bduck        Cone

 (    ) 9Atwo         Bfour        Cear

 (    )10Abear        Bzoo         Cmonkey

五、          将下面英语翻译成汉语。(10分)

1leg_________       2head_________      3cake______

4brown_______      5pink__________      6cat______

7white_______       8monkey_______      9bear_______



1Whats  your name ?          ASure ,Here  you are .

2May  I have  a  look ?       BMy  names John .

3Nice   to meet  you .          CYou re   welcome .

4Thank  you .                   DIm  from China .

5Where  are you  from ?        E Nice  to  meet you ,  too .   七、选择最佳答案。(10分)

(   ) 1. 如果你早上碰到老师,应说:“_____________

A. Good morning  BGood afternoon  C. Goodevening  DGoodbye!

(   )2. ---_______ are you ?   ---Very well, thanks.
    A. What       B. How       C. Where        D. There
(   ) 3. ---What\\\\\\\\\\'s ____ name?    ---I’m Mike.
    A. My      B. your      C. her      D. his 

(   )4. ---What colour is it?     ---____________.

A. It’s blue.  B. It’s abook.   C. It’s a dog.   D. It’s a cake.

(   ) 5. ---what’s that?          ---________ is a duck.

A. This     B. That      C. It     D. He

(   ) 6. ---Have some bread.     --- _________________.

A. Yes      B. Ok     C. Thank you      D.I like it.

(   ) 7. ---Thank you.          ---_____________.

A. No thank you.  B.Thanks.   C. You’re welcome.  D. I’m fine.

(   ) 8.---How old are you ?       ---_____________.
      A.I amfine.         B. I am ten.      C.I have ten.       D. Thank you!

(   ) 9.---How many ____?         ---_________________.
A. plate      B. plates      C. a plate      D.an plate

(   ) 10. ---Can I have somejuice?    ---_____________.
      A. Yes      B. Here you are      C. Thanks.      D. Ok


(   )1、有一天,你的一位朋友生日,你应该说:
Happy NewYear!     BHappy birthday!       
How are you?
(   )2
This is my friend,John.   B How are you?   
Nice to meetyou.
 (   )3
I have abear.     B I have a dog.   

 CI have a pig.
  (   )4
Here youare.     B May I have a look ?  
Let’s go to school.
  (   )5
Act like anelephant.      B Act like a monkey.    
Act like a bear.

   1、生日快乐!              AColour it yellow.
  2、吃块蛋糕吧!           BHave somecakes.
   3、学一学熊猫。           CLet’s paint!
   4、我们来画画吧!     DAct like the panda.
   5 你几岁了?             EHappy birthday!
   6 把它涂成黄色。     FYou’rewelcome!  
   7、不用谢。           GHow old are you?


 A. Goodbye  B. how are you   C. thanks   D. I\\\\\\\\\\'m fine   E. What’s your name

M:Good morning.________________?

W: My name isChenjie.

M: Nice tomeet you!

W: Nice tomeet you, too. _______________?


W:How are you?

M:_____________,thank you.




 John :I  like   hot  dogs.

 Amy: I like  French  fries .

 Mom: OK!Here  you  are . Hot  dogs  and  French  fries .

 John, Amy:Thank  you .

 Amy: I like  bread .

 John:Me  too.

 Mom: OK!Have  some  bread.

 John, Amy:Thank  you .Mom.

Mom: You’re welcome.

(    )1Amy  likes  hot  dogs.

(    )2John  likes   bread .

 (   )3They  don’t   like French  fries.

 (    )4They  have  some  bread .

 (   )5Mom  likes  chicken .




(   )1. A. noodles  B noon        (   ) 6. A. arm   B.leg

(   ) 2. A. small   B big          (   ) 7. A. hurt  B.hand

(   ) 3. A. fruit  B friend          (   ) 8. A. head   B. help

(   ) 4. A.short  B shorts         (   ) 9. A. hair    B. year

(   ) 5. A.dress  Bskirt          (   ) 10. A. delicious  B. birthday

二. 听音,选出听到的句子: 

 (    )1. A. What\\\\\\\\\\'s your name?        B. What’s his name ?

 (    ) 2. A. Which class are you in ?    B. I\\\\\\\\\\'m in class 2.

 (    ) 3. A. what should I wear today? B. what clothes should I wear ? 

 (    ) 4. A. This is a coat             B.These are gloves

 (    ) 5. A. I want to eat lunch!         B. I want to be your friend.

三.听音判断,下列句子是否与听到的相符,相符用 “T” ,不相符用“F”.

(    )1、My leg hurts.

(    )2、I have three heads.

(    )3、My foot hurts.

(    )4、What’s the weather like in Jiangbin?

(    )5、When is his birthday?


(    ) I am in class 2.     (   )What do you want for lunch?

(    ) I’m looking forward to seeing you (    ) They are not good for you.

(    ) Can I help you ?        (    )This dress is make of silk

(    ) My family name is Sun.  (    )When is your birthday?.

(    ) What’s your family name?   (    ) What’s the matter?


(   ) 1.Lily\\\\\\\\\\'s  mother  wants  some  _____.

        A. eggs    B.cake   C.ice-cream 

(   ) 2. What\\\\\\\\\\'s your  ______?

        A. name   B.family name   C. his name

(   ) 3. My ____ hurts.    

A. nose    B. foot    C. arm

(   ) 4. Can you _____ to my birthday party?

        A. come   B.go   C. run

(   ) 5. I\\\\\\\\\\'m _____  years old.  

         A. 10    B.9    C. 8 

(   ) 6.What do you want for  ____ ?

         A.lunch   B.breakfast  C. dinner

(    ) 7.Do you like _____ ?

        A.meat    B.potatoes   C.chicken

(    ) 8.Plants  ____  us cotton

        A.give     B.gives       C.offer

(   ) 9.I play _____ with Andy.

        A.football  B.piano     C.ping-pong

(  )10.what’s the weather ______in Beijing?

A.look like B.like  C.likes 



(   ) 1. DecemberA.十一月 B.十二月(   ) 2. 嘴A.mouth  B. mouce

(   ) 3.wear  A.穿 B.脱           (  ) 4.年级 A.class   B.grade

(   ) 5. pet  A.宠物   B.兔子  (  )6. 短裤 A.short    B. shorts

(   ) 7. bread  A.面包 B.肉        (   ) 8.年龄 A. age    B. ade

(   ) 9. help  A.帮助  B.谢谢(   )10.美味的 A.party  B. delicious


(   )1.What’s the matter?          A.LI

(   )2.What should you wear today ? B.My foot hurts.

(   )3.What\\\\\\\\\\'s your family name?   C.I should wear a coat.

(   )4.Which class are you in?     D. I\\\\\\\\\\'m in class 2.

(   )5.When is your birthday?      E.My birthday is in May.


(   )1.当你想问对方的名字时,应问:

 A.What’s your name?    B. What’s you name?

(   )2. 我姓陈,用英语说:

    A. My family name is Chen.  B. My name is Chen Hua.

(   )3.当你想知道对方是否喜欢水果时,英说:

A. Do you like fruit?       B.Do you want fruit?

(   )4.当你想表达“我的头部受伤了”时,应说:

A.My head hurts.        B.My hair hurts.

(   ) 5.当你想知道别人的生日,应问: 

A. When is your birthday ? B. Where is your birthday ?


1.(    ) I am in ____2.   

 A.glass   B.class

2.(    ) How old are ——?

A.you     B.your

3.(    ) My family name is ____. 

A.Li   B.Li Hua  

4.(    ) Which class____ you in?.

 A.is     B.are     

5.(    ) I ____ long hair.

 A. have   B. has   

6.(    ) What\\\\\\\\\\'s the _____? My arm hurts. 

A.wrong  B.matter

7.(    ) what _____ pretty dog!

 A.a  B. one 

8.(    ) Do you like  _____?. 

A.tomatoes  B.tomatos 

9.(    ) What\\\\\\\\\\'s —— matter?  A./   B. the

10.(    ) ______you have a pet?  A.Are    B.Do


   Ann is my new friend.She is from China.She is 10 years old.Now she is in class 2. She likes bread ,fruit and meat.She has a white dog.It has a short tail.It can dance.We like it.


1.(    )Ann is ____ years old. A.nine   B.ten

2.(    ) Ann is in ____.A.class one  B. class two

3.(    ) She likes _____. A.cake     B.fruit

4.(    ) Ann has a white _____.A.cat  B.dog

5.(    ) It can _____. A.dance     B.sing




(A   )1. A. noodles  B noon        ( A  ) 6. A. arm   B.leg

(  A ) 2. A. small   B big          (  A ) 7. A. hurt  B.hand

( A  ) 3. A. fruit  B friend          ( A  ) 8. A. head   B. help

( B  ) 4. A.short  B shorts         (  A ) 9. A. hair    B. year

( B  ) 5. A.dress  Bskirt       (   A) 10. A. delicious  B. birthday

三. 听音,选出听到的句子:

 (   A )1. A. What\\\\\\\\\\'s your name?        B. What’s his name ?

 (   A ) 2. A. Which class are you in ?    B. I\\\\\\\\\\'m in class 2.

 (  A  ) 3.A. what should I wear today B.what clothes should I wear ? 

 (   B ) 4. A. This is a coat             B.These are gloves

 (   B ) 5. A. I want to eat lunch!        B. I want to be your friend.

三.听音判断,下列句子是否与听到的相符,相符用 “T” ,不相符用“F”.

( T   )1、My leg hurts.  

( T   )2、I have three heads.

(  F  )3、My foot hurts.

(   T )4、What’s the weather like in Jiangbin?

(   F )5、When is his birthday?


( 5   ) I am in class 2.     ( 1  )What do you want for lunch?

(   2 ) I’m looking forward to seeing you (  7 ) They are not good for you.

(8    ) Can I help you ?        (  6  )This dress is make of silk

(   9 ) My family name is Sun.  (   4 )When is your birthday?.

( 3   ) What’s your family name?   (    10) What’s the matter?


( A  ) 1.Lily\\\\\\\\\\'s  mother  wants  some  _____.

        A. eggs    B.cake   C.ice-cream

( B  ) 2. What\\\\\\\\\\'s your  ______? 

        A. name   B.family name   C. his name

(  A ) 3. My ____ hurts.    

A. nose    B. foot    C. arm

(  A ) 4. Can you _____ to my birthday party?

        A. come   B.go   C. run

(  A ) 5. I\\\\\\\\\\'m _____  years old.  

         A. 10    B.9    C. 8

(  A ) 6.What do you want for  ____ ?

         A.lunch   B.breakfast  C. dinner

(  B  ) 7.Do you like _____ ?  

        A.meat    B.potatoes   C.chicken

(  A  ) 8.Plants  ____  us cotton

        A.give     B.gives       C.offer

(  A ) 9.I play _____ with Andy.

        A.football  B.piano     C.ping-pong

(  B)10.what’s the weather ______in Beijing?

A.look like B.like  C.likes 



(  B ) 1. DecemberA.十一月 B.十二月( A  ) 2. 嘴A.mouth  B. mouce

( A  ) 3.wear  A.穿 B.脱          ( B ) 4.年级 A.class   B.grade

(A   ) 5. pet  A.宠物   B.兔子 (  B)6. 短裤 A.short    B. shorts

( A  ) 7. bread  A.面包 B.肉      ( A  ) 8.年龄 A. age    B. ade

(  A ) 9. help  A.帮助  B.谢谢( B )10.美味的 A.party  B. delicious


(B  )1.What’s the matter?          A.LI.

( C  )2.What should you wear today ? B.My foot hurts.

(  A )3.What\\\\\\\\\\'s your family name?   C.I should wear a coat.

(  D )4.Which class are you in?     D. I\\\\\\\\\\'m in class 2.

( E  )5.When is your birthday?      E.My birthday is in May.


(  A )1.当你想问对方的名字时,应问: 

 A.What’s your name?    B. What’s you name?

(  A )2. 我姓陈,用英语说:

    A. My family name is Chen.  B. My name is Chen Hua.

( A  )3.当你想知道对方是否喜欢水果时,英说:

A. Do you like fruit?       B.Do you want fruit?

( A  )4.当你想表达“我的头部受伤了”时,应说:

A.My head hurts.        B.My hair hurts.

(  A ) 5.当你想知道别人的生日,应问:

A. When is your birthday ? B. Where is your birthday ?


1.( B   ) I am in ____2.   A.glass   B.class

2.( A   ) How old are ——?A.you     B.your

3.( A   ) My family name is ____. A.Li   B.Li Hua  

4.(  B  ) Which class____ you in?. A.is     B.are     

5.(  A  ) I ____ long hair. A. have   B. has   

6.(  B  ) What\\\\\\\\\\'s the _____? My arm hurts. A.wrong  B.matter

7.(  A  ) what _____ pretty dog! A.a  B. one 

8.(  A  ) Do you like  _____?. A.tomatoes  B.tomatos

9.(  B  ) What\\\\\\\\\\'s —— matter?  A./   B. the

10.( B   ) ______you have a pet?  A.Are    B.Do


   Ann is my new friend.She is from China.She is 10 years old.Now she is in class 2. She likes bread ,fruit and meat.She has a white dog.It has a short tail.It can dance.We like it.


1.(   B )Ann is ____ years old. A.nine   B.ten

2.( B   ) Ann is in ____.A.class one  B. class two

3.( B   ) She likes _____. A.cake     B.fruit

4.(  B  ) Ann has a white _____.A.cat  B.dog

5.(  A  ) It can _____. A.dance     B.sing











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